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  • Writer's pictureThe Thotful Hoe

I'm Coming Out?

Updated: Jan 12, 2021



Hey Thotties! I would like to thank you all for supporting me and following me on this journey. It's so crazy to think that this whole idea for the podcast came from not being able to find topics, like the ones covered, readily available. I am incredibly honoured and humbled by all the amazing feedback and positivity I've received. I can't wait to show you all what I've been working on for season 2!

This episode holds a special and dear place in my heart as I feel that it is important that everyone feels that their voices are heard; actually it goes beyond heard, but valid. The term "coming out" refers to an individual of the LGBTQ+ community decides to publicly share their sexual orientation or gender identities. Coming out has changed and shaped the way individuals of the LGBTQ+ community are seen. It has become a real staple having it's very own day; October 11th which is deemed as National Coming Out Day.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on coming out. Have you? Haven't you? Are you planning on it? Either way know that whatever your decision it is valid! Only you know when the time is or isn't right.

Thotfully yours,

The Thotful Hoe

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